For PROTECTION of self, home and purification the collected spells listed below are diverse and enables all readers to pick which one they feel comfortable with and what you want to spend cost wise, plus items to collect some are house hold others items are only available from speicilized stores. I like Azure Green as a supplier web page: However there are many others avail on line. But before you start your web search look around your town for available stores a good source of wicca locations is The Witches Vox website:
Yes there's allot to read - but you need to read to find the one that fits you - as its said - he who helps himself cares for himself - enables himself - grows into himself - empowers himself.
I suggest you select all and copy to a word/ text program such as open office or MS Word etc - then go through all the text and make notes to yourself - when you find something you want to keep delete the others - soon you have the items you only want to read and practice. I suggest you go through once or twice before actually doing the casting. Make the spell yours - feel at ease and comfortable with it as well as empowered. CONFIDENCE in yourself is an enabler to proper performance. Just because you cast a spell doesn't mean it will work - thus the variety of spells - make to follow the witches rede.
These Eight words the Rede fulfill: "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
Take charge of yourself and Blessed Be
Trice around the circle's bound
Sink all evil into the ground
Say it three times and end with, So Mote It Be!
Steep a teaspoon of basil in a cup of boiling water, and strain out the herb.
Add it to you bath water for a protective and cleansing influence.
It is particularly useful to clean off the feelings left by contact with those who are negative or controlling
Needed: white candle, protection incense, photo of your loved ones
Light the incense. Place the candle on top of your photo(s) and light it.
Envision a protective white light surrounding your loved ones and say:
"O Goddess, protect my loved ones every day, as they sleep and as they play.
Help them to always smile bright, and keep them safe in Your loving light.
Protect them from harm and from all they fear.
For they are the ones that I hold dear.
I thank the Goddess for helping me.
I trust in Her aid So mote it be!"
Let the candle and incense burn down
The following are the ingredients for a Witch's Protection Bottle and it works in two ways.
It not only protects you, but it will deflect the harm towards you back to the originator
Get a glass jar such as a Mason jar, or even a baby food jar, anything that has a lid to it.
Fill the jar halfway with small sharp objects such as pins, metal scrapings, broken glass,
razor blades, etc. Be careful when you are filling the jar! Once the jar is half full with
these objects, fill the jar up with a holy water mixture of salt and water.
Put the top on the jar and be sure it's secured.
This jar should be buried in the ground at least twelve inches deep.
As long as the bottle remains in the ground, you will be protected from harm that is
sent your way. If you bury the jar somewhere away from home, and you wont know
if it will still be there in a year (City Witches don't always have backyards!), then
be sure to repeat this process each year.
Start by mixing water and salt, two elements of magic. Consecrate them.
Use garlic salt and add powdered rosemary if you need to clear out ghosts or spirits.
Begin at the main entrance of the house or apartment.
Sprinkle some of the consecrated water by dipping your fingers in it and making
the sign of the pentacle. Say:
Evil shall leave but not enter.
Use a firm voice. Make it a commandment, with all of your power behind it.
Proceed counterclockwise through the house, repeating the procedure in
every corner of each room, at all the windows, doors and mirrors.
Don't forget telephones, computers with active modems, fax machines,
intercoms, and televisions that are connected to the Internet.
It doesn't hurt to do the mailbox, too.
Make the downward pentacle, with your left hand, if this feels right to you.
Or the upward pentacle with your right hand. Either will work.
Repeat the spell annually, or whenever you feel in need of it.
It is important to perform a spell like this one on a new home before you move into it.
This spell can be used while consecrating the salt and water:
O Great Mother in your name we purify
with water and with salt cleanse this place of evil
and fill it with your Love O Great Mother
make this cave a safe space a warm and dry place
and shelter us from harm O great Mother
make this house our home
1 T base oil 4 drops primrose 4 drops lavender 2 drops sandalwood
Of course, you can always use whatever you feel will do the job.
Choose a significator and place in center of a cross with ten of pentacles or ten of cups
underneath, the four of wands forms the base, the chariot forms the top, the should
represent safety in traveling. Temperance and the star form the arms of the cross,
they invoke supernatural protection. Meditate on your needs. Here is the affirmation.
I call upon the power that is within me and the power that is around me!
I call upon the sentinels of the heavens!
I call upon all good spirits and all ministering angels!
I call for protection, defense, and safety! with white light, a force field is built around me.
I am shielded and protected at all times.
All negative disperse and dissolve at the touch of the radiant light that emanates from
the core of my being. All shadows flee.
All harm and danger is neutralized by the touch of my glowing aura.
By the power within me and the power around me, only peace, love and serenity
may exist within my protective barrier!
I am protected. My family is protected. My home is protected.
All modes of transportation and travel are protected/ so it is and so shall it be!
You need: A whole head of Garlic 3 large 'iron' nails 9 pieces of White Thread (7 in. long each)
6 pieces each of Black Thread and Red Thread (7 inches long each)
Wax One White Egg Water and Wine
Twist or braid 3 white, 2 red and 2 black threads together, melt a little wax and dip the threads
so that it forms a stiff twine/wick like feel. Do this two more times so you have 3 waxed braids.
Place the nails in a fire until they are red hot, while still hot (you can let them cool a little bit)
wrap each nail with a garlic leaf. Then wind one of the waxed threads around each leave covered nail.
In a dish or bowl make a triangle with the nails and place it in a safe place (or your altar).
Place the egg in the triangle so it stands up, sprinkle with wine and water everyday.
Sit or stand before any fire. Look into the flames (or flame if using a candle).
Visualize the fire bathing you with glowing, protective light.
The fire creates a flaming, shimmering sphere around you.
If you wish, say the following words:
"Craft the spell in the fire;
Craft it well; Weave it higher.
Weave it now of shining flame;
None shall come to hurt or maim.
None shall pass this fiery wall;
None shall pass No, none at all." Repeat this every day if needed.
This is best used at the end of a spoken or written spell.
This adds a certain boost to the releasing of energy.
It also works best if you are wearing a Pentagram you have attuned to yourself.
Speak these word with all the fibers of your body while releasing the spell's energy:
By the Pentagram I wear,
Water, Fire, Earth, and Air,
Ruled by Spirit as All should be
As I speak So Mote It Be!
The following chant is a good all purpose chant that can be used for just about any spell:
Witches power burning bright, tarot, rune and blade,
Charge the spell, enfilled with might, here and now the magic's made.
Wave and tree, hedge and flame, strength of the elements gather here,
to bless this work and charge it well, to complete the spell now far or near.
Mystic Moon and Brilliant Sun, send your power here this way,
Gracious Lady, Mighty Lord, bless this charge that I lay.
Powers that are, powers that be, gather round this spell I cast,
empower my working three times three, send it forth to see it last! So Shall it Be!
Protection Oils are used to anoint any manner of objects in order to
enhance the purity of spiritual vibrations.
This 1 is best made on The Dark of the Moon.
* 1 dram-sized bottle * 1/2 dram Sweet Almond Oil * 3 drops Amber Oil
* 1 drop Jasmine Oil * 7 drops Dark Musk Oil (Plain Musk may be substituted)
* 5 drops Rue Oil * 3 small pieces Dragon's Blood Resin * 1 pinch coarse Sea Salt
Add the ingredients and shake, to mix well, after each addition.
* 1 dram Patchouli Oil * 1 dram each of Frankincense Oil & Myrrh Oil
* 1 tsp. broken pieces of Mandrake Root * 3 heaping tsp. coarse Sea Salt
Simmer over a low-heat in an enamel pan. Let cool. Pour into small bottles and charge.
You will need:
* three small pine branches, a few feet in length (or three fern fronds)
The Spell:
To banish evil that has come, go into your garden at night.
Cut three small pine branches, a few feel long, or three fern fronds.
Circle your garden with these slowly and call forth all the powers and spirits of your garden
in whatever words feel good to you. Express your hurts and fears and ask for help from the
Earth Mother. Then "sweep" the house with these branches or fronds, pushing all the
dark energies out the front door forcefully, saying:
Throw the branches away, off your property.
When feeling unsafe, say the guardian angel prayer:
"Angel of Life, my guardian dear.
To whom sweet love commits me here.
Ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide."
With the first and middle fingers, trace a pentagram over the object to be protected.
Visualize electric blue or purple flame streaming from your fingers to form the pentagram.
Say this as you trace:
"With this pentagram I lay
Protection here both night and day.
And the one who should not touch
Let his fingers burn and twitch
I now invoke the law of three:
This is my will, so mote it be!"
This is a variation on a popular spell used to stop someone from harming or bothering you.
This must be performed during a waning moon.
On a piece of parchment or recycled paper, write the name and birthdate of the person
you are wishing "away".
Now fill an air-tight container (like a baby food jar or Tupperware container) with water.
Add a pinch of one or more of these magical herbs: ash tree leaves, clover, lovage, lilac, garlic.
Take the paper with the name on it and fold it three times.
Tie a black string or thread around it and drop it in the water.
Seal the container up and bury it in a safe spot in your garden, yard or flower box.
Once the person has left you alone or no longer poses a problem to you, open the
container and empty it to the earth. Keep the container instead of leaving it to Mother Earth.
"Thrice around the circle bound, Evil sink into the ground." Say this three times.
Incense: 1 tablespoon pine needles 1 tablespoon juniper 1 tablespoon cedar
Make sure all ingredients are completely dry. Grind ingredients together and burn on charcoal.
Spirits of the corners,
Winds of the quarters,
You who stand watching,
And you who hear my voice,
Guard well my home tonight
Goddess, Give me protection from the outside world,
Let whatever people say about me not hurt,
Let whatever I fear not bother me,
Let all the mixed up feelings inside be released without harm,
Goddess, you see my pain,
I am thy child, I am thy soul,
I need a dream to cast away this pain,
Something to soothe my soul,
Give me protection from the outside world.
This is a spell to protect a person from the criticism and hate of another.
This spell can be done during any phase of the moon.
You must have something that is connected to the person, like a piece of handwriting,
a picture, hair, etc. Place this in a container, and set it aflame. While it is burning, chant:
Away from me Away from me Away from me Away from me
1 oz. (25 grams) Ground Cumin 1 lb. (500 grams) Sea Salt
Mix well. Start at the end of the driveway, beginning to the East, and go
completely around the property, strewing along the edges of the property.
Be sure you complete the circle and rejoin where you started.
Hang an ash - bough over your door. Fill your pockets with iron nails.
Always carry mullein - leaf. But say these words against the worst:
I stand in circles of light that nothing may cross
Make a magical tea from any of the following herbs and then sprinkle some of it in
the corners and doorways of your home to purify, defeat all wicked conjuring, and
prevent evil forces from entering:
angelica root broom tops curry powder holy thistle tormentil
poke root (which can also be added to your bath or cleaning water)
Take a nail, red and rusted by time and rain, and bang it with a hammer,
screaming for the evil to depart. Bury this on the night of the new/no moon,
and sometime after, dig it up and wear it.
1 glass bottle or jar with cap mixing bowl funnel (you can make one with a rolled up piece of paper)
9 herbs of choice from list: (Acacia, Aloe, Angelica, Anise, Ash, Basil, Birch, Blackberry,
Blueberry, Broom, Caraway, Carnation, Cedar, Cinquefoil, Clover, Cotton, Cypress, Dill,
Eucalyptus, Fennel, Flax, Foxglove, Grass, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Irish Moss, Ivy, Lilac,
Mandrake, Marigold, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Mulberry, Oak, Olive, Pine, Primrose, Raspberry,
Rice, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Spanish Moss, Thistle, Valerian, Violet, Willow)
Pour the nine selected herbs into the mixing bowl one by one. As you pour each one in say
these words (replace the blank with the name of the herb):
"________ that protects, protect my home and all within."
Once all of the herbs have been added to the bowl, mix them with your hands.
Visualize you home being safe and secure as you mix.
Cap the bottle or jar and bury it outside, in front of your front step.
If you live in an apartment or other place that would prevent you from doing this, place the jar some
where out of view but still near your doorway.
Visualize a purple light flowing from your finger as you trace a pentagram into
an object that you don't want anyone messing with.
With this pentagram I lay
Protection here, night and day.
And the one who should not touch,
Let his fingers burn and twitch.
I now invoke the Law of Three,
This is my will, so mote it be.
Before you continue with any other spells, you must ensure that you are in a negative free
zone, and this does not only include the circle, but all other parts of your residence.
You must be cleansed spiritually and then rid all negative energies.
To start, a simple thing to do is as follows:
Charge a pewter dragon's claw which holds a crystal or glass ball with your personal
energies after meditating. Place it above an entrance door into your house or apartment.
By doing this, it will ensure that no more negative energies can enter your house whether
cast, sent or roaming. While burning the incense that best assists your concentration and energy
channeling Then visualize a triple circle of purplish light around your body while chanting:
I am protected by your might,
Gracious goddess, day and night.
-- Pentagram Compass Rosemary Lavender Snap lock bag
Glue the Pentagram to the compass, "Spirit" point north. Place everything into bag, and bury in
center of building or middle of door. Pentagram pointing north. Cast a circle, Chant the spell.
Goddess and God bless this house, Keep it free from bug or mouse.
For good or bad, dark or light, Those unwelcome will feel thy might.
Protect me as I do thy will, here you are master for good or ill
Goddess and God hear my prayer So Mote it Be!
Concentrate on the Spell until you feel the power flowing, Then break the circle and finish.
1 glass jar 1/2 to 1 cup salt 3 cloves garlic 9 bay leaves
7 tsp. dried Basil 4 tsp. dill seeds 1tsp sage 1tsp anise
1tsp black pepper 1tsp fennel 1 bowl
In the morning ideally on a bright sunny day assemble the items.
Place in the bowl and say: "Salt that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the cloves of garlic: "Garlic that protects, protect my home and all within."
Crumble the Bay leaves and place in the bowl:
"Bay that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the basil and say: "Basil that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the dill and say: "Dill that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the sage and say: "Sage that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the anise and say: "Anise that protects, protect my home and all within."
Add the fennel and say: "Fennel that protects, protect my home and all within."
Mix together the salt and the herbs with your hands, throughout the movement
of your hands and fingers lend energy to the potent protective items, visualize
your home safe and as a shining secure place. Pour the mixture in the jar and cap tightly,
Place it in your home with these words: "Salt and herbs, nine times nine
Guard now this home of mine"
Take a small clear crystal, an acorn, some rosemary and mandrake and a bit of green silk
or cotton. It doesn't need to be a big piece. Cast your circle and creating a pouch from
the herbs, bless them with each element saying:
"While this dwells within,
there will be protection without.
Cleanse and charge this charm,
element of against all who wish me ill!"
Now hang this somewhere not too obviously, like hiding it in a corner or over a window.
This will protect you 'til next Samhain when you should burn it in the sacred fire, crystal and all.
If it is not too tainted, the fire will just cleanse the crystal and you'll be able to retrieve it
from the ashes but recommend just getting a new one.
Take a mason jar and put pins, needles, razor blades, cactus spines, rose thorns, broken glass, etc. in it.
Prick your finger and let at least 3 drops of your blood into jar
(this binds the jar to you). While making the bottle concentrate your thoughts on what you are doing.
Urinate in the bottle and seal it well. Dig a hole and put it in it and say:
"Lord of Life, Lady of Light - Join me here for this rite
I have made this bottle for my protection
According to ancient ways and tradition.
Direct all harm sent my way - To this grave I make today.
Return it three fold to the send - And let my life ever be better
Open my ears to hear and my eyes to see, As I will, So Mote It Be!"
You will need your magick mirror or a consecrated small round mirror,
a wide-mouthed glass jar, ashes, vinegar, a knife or something else sharp like a razor blade
or piece of broken glass, and an apple.
After sundown, set the jar before the mirror and place in it some ashes. Fill it up 2/3 of the way with vinegar.
Take the apple and carve into it something that will represent the person or the negativity which
follows or attacks you. Try and make it as clear as you can-while you carve, infuse the apple
with all of the negativity you perceive around you. Raise the apple above the jar and say:
"Evil send must come to rest
Reflect it back to who knows best
Energy spent for evil and bane,
Go back now from whence you came
Far away I send you this hour
May all your attempts to harm turn sour!"
Place the apple in the jar-for best results do this spell for three consecutive nights.
Dwelling of Stone, Metal, Wood and Earth
Silent One, Protective One, you of the four winds
Dwelling of Health, Wealth Joy and Peace:
Guardian Sustained you of the Earth
Dwelling of Stone Metal Wood and Earth
Secure One Peaceful One
You of the Guarded and protected you be
Cleansed and pure you be
Peaceful and loving you be
It is finished in Beauty
It is finished in Beauty
It is finished in Beauty
Any spell against this place
Or against the one who rents it
will be scattered far apace
And returned to the one who sends it
I now invoke the law of three
This is my will, so mote it be
I hang your sage and have faith in its Spirit's power
With this sage I make this dwelling safe
With this sage I repel all dark forces
May the spirit of this sage dwell within this place.
Gather rosemary, needles and pins. Fill a small jar with these three ingredients,
saying the following as you work:
Pins, needles, rosemary, wine
In this witch's bottle of mine
Guard against harm and enmity
This is my will, So mote it be!
Visualize these herbs doing just that. When the jar is full, pour in red wine.
Then cap or cork the jar and drip wax from a black or red candle around the seal.
Bury the jar at the farthest corner of your property or place it in an inconspicuous
spot in the house. The Witch's bottle destroys negativity and evil.
The pins and needles impale evil, the wine drowns it, and the rosemary send it far from your property.
These are especially good measures to take when moving into a new place, beginning
ritual activities in a new space, or to release bad feelings when an inhabitant has been sick or has died.To cleanse a single room - on top of a newspaper, set a blue candle. Surround with a circle of salt.Burn a little sage in the room. Light the candle, making sure it won't tip over.
Close the door and let the candle burn down.When finished, take newspaper, salt, and candle leaving and bury far from your home.To cleanse a house - select four corners. set four candles: north - black, east - white, south -
purple or dark red, west - blue.
Sprinkle a little salt at each doorway and window. Burn sage in each room, paying special
attention to windows and doors. Strew fragrant herbs (rosemary, basil, lavender, others
you like or consult a reference) and sweep them up with the salt.
Cast the swept herbs out your front door. You may want to sweep them off your porch so they
aren't on your property anymore.
--2 parts Mallow (not Marshmallow Root)
--2 parts Rosemary 1 part Vervain
For the base of ointment with shortening, follow these directions:
Melt 4 parts shortening over low heat until liquefied. Watch that it doesn't burn.
Add one part dried herbal mixture (which would be all of the herbs listed above).
Blend with a wooden spoon until thoroughly mixed.
Continue heating until the shortening has extracted the scent.
You should be able to smell it in the air.
Strain through a cheesecloth into a heat-proof jar, a canning jar would be perfect for this.
Add 1/2 tsp. tincture of benzoin (can be found at an herb store or drug store) to each pint
of ointment as a natural preservative. Store in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator.
Ointments will last for weeks or months. Discard any that turn moldy, and make a fresh batch.
Rub onto the body and to drive out negative influences and to keep them far from you.
Charge a small stone of Saturn correspondence to carry with you as a charm of protection-
black tourmaline, Apache tears, or snowflake obsidian. Or find any dark colored stone in the
earth that feels solid, stable, and strong to you. Find a quiet outdoor place and sprinkle a
circle of salt on the ground, large enough for you to sit inside, and hold your chosen stone.
Close your eyes; ground and center, drawing Earth energy within you. Visualize rings of
energy swirling around the Saturn stone you hold, building and increasing to surround
and emanate from you. Within the rings you are strong, solid, secure, and shielded from harm.
In the future, whenever you feel the need for extra protection, hold your stone to assist you.
A spell of safety here I cast,
A ward of might to hold me fast.
A shield before me and behind,
To right and left protection bind.
To me may no ill whit come neigh,
But only She Whose Rede I cry!
So mote it be!
Use a base oil like sweet almond oil, jojoba, sesame, etc.
To the oil add any three of the following:
--rue, rosemary, angelica, bay, basil, fennel, sage, mugwort, Vervain.
Use either the whole herb or a pure essential oil.
Allow the herbs to mix and steep in the oil for 1 week.
Handle the bottle frequently, projecting protective energy into the mixture.
Recommend you make this oil during a waning moon but you can also make your own timing judgement
-- 7" square of cotton, basil, fennel, dill.
Place the herbs in the center of the cloth and tie it up with a red string. With the first knot say:
"I bind thee to protect this house and all who reside within it."
All total have 13 knots, each time repeating the line with each knot.
Pick up your Athame with your prominent hand, face the north, and poke the sachet gently
with the tip of the Athame and say:
"May this which I have made of my own will and my hands,
Serve me well as protector of this house and all who reside within its walls.
Guardian and protector, so shall it be from this moment forth!
So mote it be!" Hang the sachet in the highest part of your home.
1 black candle, caraway, a small mirror Cast a circle and light the candle.
Sprinkle the caraway on the candle's flame (be careful!) and on the mirror.
Close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by a magick shield. Imagine the
negative energies bouncing off your shield and returning to where they came from.
Open your eyes and stand facing North. Hold the mirror out in front of you, the reflective side
pointing outward. Say these words:
"Mirror of Protection,
Stop the flow of negative energy in my direction!
May the energy be sent back to its source,
Let it harm none along its course!"
Now turn East and repeat the words for Air. Repeat for Fire and Water. Close the Circle.
The following is an easy warding ritual for your home or just one room.
You must admit that there are those who would use magick in unwise ways.
A simple way of dealing with such attempts is to ward a room you work in, or your home.
It is similar to casting a circle except that it is as permanent as you want it to be.
Be sure that you won't be disturbed while casting the ward or you will have to start over.
Nothing is required to do this but you may use any props necessary to make you most comfortable.
After ensuring you won't be disturbed, ground and center (use any form you wish, this is a
very adaptable ritual). Cast your circle, using the walls as the four Quarters (again use
whatever method you are most comfortable with).
After the circle is cast you will do something similar to circle casting.
Invoke the Quarters again this time asking for protection of the area being warded
against all negative influences from being able to ever enter the area involved.
As you invoke each Quarter visualize a wall of energy completely covering the wall involved
sealed by a floor to ceiling pentacle. On the wall/s with a door visualize a smaller version of the
energy wall and pentacle so that entering and leaving will not affect the integrity of the working.
After each wall, the floor, and the ceiling are sealed be sure to cleanse the area to ensure that
no negativity was trapped inside the room (any method is acceptable).
When done thank the Quarters for their help and dismiss them.
This spell can be used to neutralize the power of those who intend to hurt your reputation,
in any way pose a threat to your security, or who want to do you physical harm.
--black thread black ink or black ballpoint pin parchment paper
--1 bottle with a cork or mortar and pestle 1 white candle
--4 tablespoons orris-root (or oak moss) 4 tablespoons sea salt
--4 tablespoons black powdered iron (available at pottery shops where ironstone is made)
--4 tablespoons frankincense or myrrh
Mix the sea salt, orris-root powder, and iron in a bowl.
Then cut a piece of parchment to fit inside your bottle and write on it in black ink:
"I neutralize the power of [name of your adversary] to do me any harm.
I ask that this be correct and for the good of all. So mote it be."
Roll up the parchment, tie it with black thread to bind it, and place it in the bottle.
Fill the bottle with the dry ingredients.
Then take the white candle and, while turning the bottle counter clockwise, drip
wax over the cork to seal it. Last, secretly bury the bottle in a place where it will
not be disturbed and no animal or person will dig it up.
It should never be opened or the power of the spell is lost.
This traps an evil entity or evil spirits and prevents any harm being done.
--Salt water - 1 part Sea salt to 8 parts of spring water.
--1 dried Rose 13 Rose Thorns 1 Small Glass Jar + a tightly fitting lid
Put the Rose Thorns into the jar one at a time and as you do this and drop one in,
chant the following words each time:
"Thou Demon presence. Be no more!"
Crush up the Thorns in the jar and then crush up the Rose petals and add them to the jar,
slowly add the salt water. Keep the jar open overnight.
The next morning before the sunrise close the lid. All the evil should now be trapped inside the jar.
Cover the jar with a cloth and bury it far away from the house in a place that has no buildings nearby
Who comes to me, I keep. Who goes from me, I free.
Yet against all I stand who do not carry my key.
Use this as an inscription over a threshold with three pine cones hung loose to blow in the wind.
This summoning is used for short-term goals and needs such as protecting an object being
leant, or anything for a brief period, such as a car ride or elevator trip. Mark the object to
be protected with the sign of the guardian and repeat the incantation below:
"Gentle Guardian wise and strong
keeps it (me, him/her) as it (I, he/she) doth belong.
Safe within thy charge and care,
the current problem to fare.
No harm to come or ill to befall
Guarded and safe through it all!"
This form of summoning is closer to permanent as we would perceive it. Yet in this for you
must still work with a time frame in mind, however distant it may be. Guardian Dragons may
be summoned in this fashion for protection of people places and things needing or deserving
long term care (such as children, houses, spouses, etc). Multiple objects can be protected
with but a change in grammar, but they must be together for a single dragon to protect
(the objects become a mini-horde).
"Dragon brave and Dragon wise, let nothing escape your eyes.
I summon your from your hidden lair, (name object here) is entrusted to your care.
Permit no harm to come to (named object) within your sight, in your presence let all evils take flight.
No baneful creature born of flesh or spirit, may touch (name object) nor even come near it.
Let those that would bring harm, be filled with fright and alarm.
God and Goddess of the skies, Please respond to my cries.
Lift me up in your strong arms, Away from those who seek to harm.
Shield me from the awful rage, That shall face me day to day.
Help me be strong in what I do, And help my heart remain true.
Give me strength to face each day, And the hardships before me lain.
Let those who I love love me in return, And everyday let me learn.
I bid you both my spirit keep, While I'm awake and asleep.
So mote it be!
Take an iron nail - rusty and old. On a dark night - moonless and cloudy, set upon
a smallish flat stone. With an iron hammer strike it thrice. At each stroke say:
Clavus Ferreus
Malleus Ferreus
Ferrum Refilum
Ferrum Nobilis
Score the stone three times across with the nail's point, then take the stone and
bury it far from the house. Carry the nail with you always as a charm.
4 oz. Valerian 2 oz. Rue 2 oz. Bay Leaves 3 tbsp. Dill
2 oz. Caraway 4 Parts Lavender 6 tsp. Sandalwood
3 oz. Juniper Leaves 4 tbsp. Dried Rosemary 2 oz. Fennel Seeds
2 tsp. Basil 3 tsp. Linden Flowers 2 tsp. Angelica Pinch of Salt
4 part Rue 6 oz. Rosemary 3 oz. Vetivert 2 tbsp. Hyssop Sprig of Mistletoe
Don't Drink This! Brew these ingredients and anoint each window and door of the house.
Sprinkle the rest on the four corners of the house to prevent Evil from coming.
If a Witch is sick and needs to cast a spell, he/she can bind it.
This will keep the spell from backfiring and causing harm to anyone else, most importantly
to his/herself. The Witch must procure a thread with a color as dark as the nightly sky.
Light an incense of Sandalwood and Lavender, and as the incense fills the air, he/she
must make three knots on the ribbon as he/she intones the words that follow:
By the Karmic Power of Three
This spell tied and knotted be
To cause no harm nor return to me
As I will it, so must it be
The ribbon must be carried when casting the spell as a talisman to keep it from backfiring.
Light red candle. Say:
I invoke Gangida, great protector!
May we look after your treasures, as our bodies are your treasures!
Light a black candle:
Nullify disease as it approaches this body
Arm my blood with guards To slay all intruders!
Light a green candle:
Gangida, grant protection from all
Imbalanced in the heavens, from the earth, from plants, from air;
From my past and from my future
Protect me from east to south, from west to north!
May my body be rendered healthy under Gangida's protection!
Steep one teaspoon of dried basil in a cup of boiling water. Leave for five minutes, and then strain.
Add the liquid to your bath water to bring a protective and cleansing influence.
This herbal bath is particularly useful to rid oneself of the negative feelings left by contact
with those who are controlling.
Sit in a protected circle. Close your eyes and begin to meditate on building a cone of
energy around you. Visualize an electric blue light building around the room that begins
to swirl like a vortex. It is moving towards you. When it engulfs you it begins to turn
white, then a gelatinous silver. It surrounds you and will be there to reflect any negative
energy or thought forms that come your way. If you are new to Magick you may need to
renew this mirror 2-3 times a day until your power builds.
Creek stones and an Earthen bowl of water are used in this ritual. Its purpose is to deflect negativity.
Fill the bowl nearly full of creek stones, then fill the bowl with water. The chant used here is:
Bowl of reflection stones of protection
may the reason of my harm feel the power of this charm
Sisters three come work for me
bowl detect stones deflect and water reflect
peace and harmony now come to me as I will So Mote It Be!
Change the water once a week and renew the chant. Throw the old water on your doorstep.
The sisters of the Wyrrd are incorporated here. The bowl stands for the first sister, she of the past;
The stones stand for the present and the second sister; the third action, that of reflection, is for the
sister of the future.
Use several long branches of fresh rosemary, from at least one to two feet long, or how ever
big you wish to make the wreath. Form the branches into a circular shape tying them together
with a fine green cotton thread. When the basic wreath shape is made, use extra sprigs of
rosemary to give it a fuller appearance. Secure the sprigs to main body of the wreath with the
green thread. When you achieve the look and size of the wreath you want, you can dress it
up by inserting other fresh herbs within the twines. The dried seed heads of rue, dill, and fennel
work well. Make sure the wreath has a well-balanced appearance, and that the herbs are
firmly attached to the rosemary. Now collect several of these flowers and poke 3, 7, or 9 into
the wreath for added protection: snapdragons, cyclamen, garlic flowers, marigolds, carnations,
or roses. After your wreath is finished, tie a red ribbon into a bow at the top or bottom of the
wreath. Attach a string or fine steel wire to the wreath to hang it with. Hang it up wherever
protection is needed; over the hearth, on the door, or even in the windows. Any type of
protective herbs may be used in this powerful wreath. The fresh flowers, of course, will
have to be replaced in intervals, but the herbs will dry beautifully!
4 TBS Rosemary 3 Bay leaves 1 TBS Basil 1 TBS Sage
1 TBS Fennel seeds 1 tsp. dill seeds 1 tsp. Juniper Berries
A pinch of dried garlic (optional)
Mix in a small bowl with your hands while visualizing your home as a protected place.
Charge the herbs with your protective energies. Add to simmering water.
Simmer potpourri on the stove top in a pan (preferably non-metallic) in 2 cups of water.
A simmering potpourri pot can also be used. Simmer over low heat for 1/2 hour.
If you wish to simmer longer, add more water as needed.
1/2 cup Juniper berries, whole 1/2 cup Basil, whole 2 TBS Frankincense, ground
2 TBS Dill seeds 2 TBS Cloves, whole 8 Bay leaves, torn into pieces
For protection against all sorts of dangers, illness, and sudden death,
Santeros recommend painting a coconut in many colors-preferably nine-
and placing it inside a small basket painted in the same colors.
The basket with the coconut is hung from the ceiling and left there for an indefinite time.
The individual who is in danger cleanses himself/herself with nine different fruits,
nine candles (votive), and nine slices of eggplant.
Afterwards the offering is wrapped with nine cents on a piece of red cloth and
left by a long road near a cemetery.
The ancients regarded turquoise as a powerful magickal aid to ward off misfortune, illness,
and the evil eye. You can use turquoise to make your own amulet for protection.
To begin, during the waxing Moon take a piece of blue turquoise or an item of blue
turquoise jewelry and hold it in your hand for a moment. In your mind's eye, picture a
blue light surrounding you. Hold the stone to your heart, and breathe on it to charge it
with your power, saying:
Stone of blue, surround me with protective energy.
I am protected by your soothing blue light.
Carry your turquoise with you or wear it as often as you can.
Handle it frequently to keep the spell active.
Before leaving on a lengthy journey, bless your car.
Walk around it clockwise and examine the body, the windows, the wheels, and so on.
Imagine yourself storing up more and more energy within yourself with each breath that you
take, then breathe out all of the energy, fixing it in each of the car's part. Say aloud,
"May the protection of the Lord and the Lady be in and about this vehicle,
that it may deliver us safe to our destination. So mote it be!"
Make a magickal tea from any of the following herbs and sprinkle in the corners & doorways
of your home to prevent evil forces from entering.
Angelica root, broom tops, curry powder, holly thistle, tormentil, poke root.
A medium sized fish is bought in Yemaya's name.
The names of all of the persons the petitioner distrusts or feels are their enemies are on a
piece of paper which is then inserted in the fish's mouth. The fish is placed in a dish filled
with sugar cane syrup and offered to Yemaya. It remains at her feet for seven days and
then it is thrown into the sea with seven cents.--it may stink your house up for a week
but it is very effective.
Say the following while in the house:
Any evil spell against this place
Or against the one who rents it
Will be scattered for apace
And returned to the one who sends it.
I now invoke the law of three
This is my will so mote it be
Make four little blue drawstring bags, each the same size.
Mix in a bowl dry angelica, Solomon's seal and balm of Gilead buds.
As you do this visualize your house protected from evil.
Divide the mix into four equal amounts and fill each bag with it.
Hang them or hide them in the four corners of your house.
To purify a sacred space, during the sixth hour after sunrise or the first or eighth hour
after sunset consecrate an aromatherapy bowl or small cooking pot by passing it through
the smoke of frankincense and sprinkling it with blessed water, saying:
" I consecrate this container to aid in my Craft,
that the spell I now weave will take hold and last."
Heat spring water in the bowl over a tea light or in the pot on a burner.
When the water is hot, add the following herbs, speaking after each-star anise:
" Let all negativity be deflected from this place"; one bay leaf:
"as the sent of this leaf moves through this place may purification enter into space";
One teaspoon sage:
"Though sage I now make this spell manifest,
that with peace and protection this space will be blessed.
For as I will, so mote it be!"
The Chorti, who are the descendants of the Maya, would make crosses
out of ashes to protect from evil spirits.
Needed: Wood ashes
Moon Phase: Use whenever protection is needed.
Whenever danger is felt, crops need to be protected, or woods need protection from
hunters and trespassers, gather cold wood ashes and use the ashes to make equal
armed crosses on the ground, sidewalk, or porch.
"Ashes to ashes. I call on the Four.
Protect us and hinder those Who bring harm to our door."
or "FourThe more Protection to score Tight is the door."
You will need: A wooden spoon A china bowl Some Mint A clove Some grated lemon peel
A bay leaf Some rosehips A cotton or muslin handkerchief A red ribbon
To help protect your household from colds and flu, try this ancient spell.
The best time to cast this spell is on a Sunday.
Use the wooden spoon to mix all the ingredients together in the bowl, while you recite this chant:
"I conjure thee to be a protection, I invoke the Magick of old,
To keep my family healthy and well, So mote it be.
Place the mixture onto the handkerchief and tie up the ends with the ribbon.
Hang the healing pouch somewhere in your home.
This is a bare-bones, generic spell.
Use when the energies in your home or in a particular room start feeling "off" or negative.
This spell can be tweaked to suit your particular method of working or use as is.
You will need: Small cauldron or other fire-proof bowl for burning herbs - one that you are able to carry.
Your favorite protection oil Clearing herbs such as sage, cedar, rosemary, etc.
Charcoal tablet (a half tablet would suffice) Matches
Trace the pentagram starting from the top point - in this spell you are invoking Spirit.
Meditate before you begin - make sure you're in the right state of mind to proceed.
An Alpha state is the best. The Spell:
Light charcoal in bowl/cauldron and when burning, drop a pinch or two of your clearing
herbs into the cauldron. Take a minute to take in the energy of the herbs.
Carry the vessel around the room - paying special attention to corners, closets, and places
negative energy seems to linger. Project a clear, clean, white light with your mind and say:
"By my will I banish all darkness and let in the light." (repeat around the room)
When you've thoroughly cleansed the room, return to the center and put down your cauldron.
Take up the oil and go to the North.
Trace a pentagram on the wall (window sill, door frame, etc.) Say:
From the North I call to Thee. Blessings of the Spirit Be upon this place.
Go to the East and say: From the East I call to Thee.
Blessings of the Spirit Be upon this place.
Continue to the South and West, changing the blessing accordingly.
When complete, return to the center of the room and place more herbs on the charcoal.
Stand still a bit and feel the energy of the room/space.
Again, project white light outward, mentally filling all the nooks and crannies.
When the energy feels right to you say:
This room is sealed Protected from harm.
Light replaces darkness As I will, so mote it be.
Note: This spell can obviously be expanded for an entire house.
Just begin in the center of the house instead of the center of the room.
If you are uncomfortable calling on "Spirit" for protection, you can substitute the
name of your Deity.
If moon is travelling from new to full, you want to bring love into the home.
If the moon is travelling from full to new, you want to push negativity out from the home.
Take half an onion, close your eyes, saying:
"I empower you to collect all negativity In this house."
Imagine the onion turning into a giant vacuum cleaner, sucking up all the negative
energy in your house. Place the onion on the window ledge of the room where most
of the family usually gathers. Hold a clove of crushed garlic in your hand, close your
eyes and say the above chant. Do the same visualization.
If a particular person is causing trouble, take a clove and place it under the rug, under
that person's bed or in a place where they often sit. If there is no one causing the problem,
place cloves of crushed garlic all around the outside doorstep of your home.
Take some carpet deodorizer (granules or spray) and sprinkle around the house
(after first consecrating them!) say: "I empower you to collect all negativity In this house."
Vacuum up the deodorizer. Write every loved one's name with a red marker on a heart
cut out of white paper. Circle all the names with one big circle say:
"I encircle all I love with positive energy, Healing and peace.
Let no evil enter our home."
Hold the paper in your hands, close your eyes and visualize your family sitting together
and very happy. Say:
"With harm to none May all astrological correspondences be correct for this working,
And may this spell not reverse Or place upon me any curse. So mote it be!"
Please feel free to modify this spell to suit your own beliefs and practices.
Casting The Circle
(Starting in the East draw a circle, deosil - clockwise.):
I _________, conjure thee, O circle of power,
As thou encircle every Tower.
That thou beest a place of Truth, Joy and Love,
Encircling Flight of Eagle, Hawk and Dove.
Mighty Aegis of the Lady and Lord,
Rampart of thought, action and word.
To work in Peace, Powerful and Free,
Who walk between two worlds I conjure thee;
A boundary to Protect, Concentrate and Contain,
That Power raised here be not in vain.
Wherefore do I bless and concentrate thee, in the names of Lady Gaia and Lord Pan.
The Sacred Circle is now about us.
We are here of our own free will and accord in Peace and in Love.
We now invite the God and Goddess; Lord and Lady; Father and Mother of All Life, to
attend this ritual and spell working...
And to Guard us within this Circle and without it, from all manner of
evil and harm, In all things, So mote it be.
Call the 4 Quarters
Starting facing the East, say:
Hail and welcome, Ruler of the East, Spirit of air and daybreak. Send the cool dawn breeze
of tenderness to waft through this circle and into our hearts, that we may always be ruled
by love and trust and by the one law: Harm none.
Face the South and say:
Hail and welcome, Ruler of the South, Spirit of fire and midday.
Inflame our passion, ignite our will, and purify our intent, that our work shall
have the power for the good of all.
Face the West and say:
Hail and welcome, Ruler of the West. Spirit of water and twilight.
May the tide of pure feeling wash over our being, and from the depths of your ocean may
we draw up the gold of divine love to free us of negativity purify our thoughts.
Face the North and say:
Hail and welcome Ruler of the North. Spirit of earth and midnight.
Let the rich black coal of desire and fantasy be yielded up from the darkest caves
of the imagination, that through our work all wants fulfilled, and all lusts find their highest purpose.
Holy Water:
Hold the container of water in your left hand and reflect the light of the sun and
moon onto it with your right hand.
This liquid is now pure and dedicated to the Lord and Lady.
It is free from all negativity in any time and any space.
salt (the earth):
The salt is now pure and dedicated to the Lord and Lady.
It is free from all negativity in any time and any space.
Let there be none who suffer loneliness; none who are friendless and without brother or sister.
May all find love and peace within the Circle for the good of all.
<___________________ say>:
ST. Michael, Arc Angel of Government and protector of Workers we ask that
you join us in our Sacred Circle to assist in our spell working on this night. So Mote It Be.
Stand before the altar and pick up the Candle to be dressed.
Visualize any and all harmful energies being repelled by the smoke of the candle.
Dress the candle with St. Michael's oil in the following manner:
Rub oil from the center towards the bottom. Then rub the oil from the center toward the top.
Concentrate on going about your daily routine in perfect harmony with no harm ever coming to you.
With this oil I seal within thee the sweet essence of Life...that thou may vibrate
as a living entity, carrying forth my desires to the Gods. So Mote It Be!
Inscribe Invoking Pentagram on candle with athame.
Parchment -
______________ writes name on the paper 9 times with the type of protection desired.
Place three drops of St. Michaels oil on the paper and visualize a vibrant glow of protection
as you hold the paper in your hands...Nothing can penetrate this glow to do you harm.
<______________ says>: St. Michael, protector of Government Workers, fill me with your
protective strength and love, so that no harm may come to me from any and all sources.
Circle ____________________ three times with the cedar incense.
Light the candle and place it over the parchment on the altar and say (9 times), while
visualizing a circle of smoke surrounding you from the candle:
<____________________ says>:
Give me loving peace
And protect me from harm.
Aid me in this spell
While I recite this charm.
Cover me with love from the Goddess above
St. Michael grant me protection, peace and love.
Return all the ruin addressed to me
As my will, so mote it be.
Pull the smoke circle into your body, transmuting it into positive, healing energy.
Note: Allow the candle to burn down either before going to bed or burn it each night until it
is burned down. The ending:
St. Michael we thank thee for your Assistance.
May Your Love and Power Encircle ______________ in all they do.
Go if ye must.
Blessed Be.
Lord and Lady
We Thank Thee for Your Assistance and Guidance
In all of my past magical workings including today's ceremony.
May Your Love and Power Protect _____ from all that would harm me/us in any manner,
And may I/We act as a beacon of your Loving Light and Fire of Life.
So mote it be.
Opening (Ending) the Circle
Oh Guardian of the East we thank you For joining us in our circle
And we ask for your blessing As you depart
May there be peace between us Now and forever. Blessed be.
Oh Guardian of the South we thank you For joining us in our circle
And we ask for your blessing As you depart
May there be peace between us Now and forever. Blessed be.
Oh Guardian of the West we thank you For joining us in our circle
And we ask for your blessing As you depart
May there be peace between us Now and forever. Blessed be.
Oh Guardian of the North we thank you For joining us in our circle
And we ask for your blessing As you depart
May there be peace between us Now and forever. Blessed be.
<___ raises athame to the sky and touches it to the earth, then points his athame at the ground
and makes a complete circle in counter clockwise direction then opens his arms and says:
The circle is open, but unbroken,
May the peace of the Goddess
Go in our hearts, Merry meet, and merry part.
And merry meet again. Blessed be.
Censer should stand in the center of the altar before an image of the Goddess.
Have a 12 in. (or thereabouts) round mirror there also. Ring altar with 9 white candles.
Burn frankincense, copal or rosemary.
Beginning with the candle most directly before the Goddess say:
Luna light protect me
Repeat for all the candles. Then hold up the mirror and invoke the
Goddess in her Luna aspect by saying:
Great Goddess of the Luna light
And mistress of the seas;
Great Goddess of the mystic night
And of the mysteries;
Within this place of candles bright
And with your mirror nigh;
Protect me with your awesome might
While ill vibrations fly!
Stand before the altar; hold the mirror facing the candles so it reflects their flame.
Keep toward the candles, slowly move counterclockwise around the circle, watching reflected
candlelight reflect around the room. Increase speed; watch the light burning away all negativity.
Race around until you feel the atmosphere change, until you feel that your home has been
cleansed and guarded by Goddess. When you have finished, stand once again before the image.
Thank the Goddess, pinch out the candles one by one, bind them together with white
cord and store them in a safe place until (and if) you need to use them again for the same purpose.
--dogwood twigs and shavings, black thread, an acorn, black cotton thread & stuffing
--eucalyptus, sage, thyme, oak leaves & an acorn, parsley fern, birch bark, nail clippings.
--hair blood cedarwood or another protective oil Dragon's Blood ink
Perform actual ritual on the Full Moon. Construct the "skeleton" out of dogwood twigs,
lashing the twigs together with black thread, using an acorn for the head. I'm used nine
herbs, cotton thread & stuffing, eucalyptus, sage, thyme, oak leaves & an acorn, parsley,
some dogwood shavings, fern and birch bark. I began consecrating and grinding these items,
meditating on the purpose all the while three nights before the full moon. Mix in nail clippings,
hair and some blood(not necessary, I just like to use it on my personal spells). On a piece of
birch bark draw the rune of "Ohl" with Dragon's Blood ink roll it up and tie it to the "torso' of
the poppet with black thread. Fashion clothes out of your own clothing and apply some of
your own hair to the poppet. On the night of the full moon cast your circle and sew the clothes
onto the little guy and stuff him. After your done stuffing it, anoint it with cedarwood or another
protective oil and placing your poppet on the pentacle on the altar. Meditate in the purpose
and then dedicate it to the south. incantation :
Magic doll, my little friend.
Away from me all harm you send.
Protect me now through day and night,
as I bless you with this rite.
All empowered these herbs within.
See me safe through thick and thin.
Protect me now oh little one.
Keep me safe and harm to none.
Blessed by the powers of three.
As I will, So Mote it Be!
Take the poppet and pass it through the flame to the south, the water to the west, the
salt to the North, and the smoke (sandalwood) to the East. After that put it into a white
muslin pouch with a black and white agate, some rose petals and a rosemary sprig.
On the pouch again draw the rune of Ohl with Dragon's Blood ink.
Carry this pouch with you and recharge or change the herbs every so often.
Begin by putting everything in its proper place.
Clean your house to perfection, open the windows, and bless all your magical implements.
Next, moving always to your left (counterclockwise, or wid-dershins as it is called in magical circles)
anoint the doors, windows, and all openings of your home with a mixture of water (water),
fennel (fire), oats (Earth), pine (air), and sage (wisdom).
These represent all elements of the magic circle.
For a blend that is less bulky, place the herbs in hot water to steep, then strain and use
only the aromatic tea. As you go, visualize bright light pouring from your hands into every
area that houses shadows, saying,
"Where light dwells, all darkness flee;
Spirit ghost go towards the light,
for ye are dead and must move on and away from my family, this house and me.
This home is mine, I will not fear, but my child is scared so I ask thee to go with
our blessings and love into the light where those you love ever wait for you!
Your presence now cannot be right or welcome here."
Follow the entire circuit of your home, repeating the words and procedure in every room.
When finished, go outside if possible, making one full loop around the exterior.
The leftover water can be refrigerated or frozen for future use.
Finally, return inside and move clockwise through each room while burning either sage
smudge stick or basil, dill, and marjoram. These herbs encourage blessings and joy.
Invoke the protection of your personal God/dress on your sacred space of home.
Then close the windows, leaving any spiritual energies outside.
There is often feeling of lightness and joy as you have helped the ghost go to the next plane.
Purpose of Spell - Communication with and understanding the purposes of a ghost or a spirit
and asking them to leave if they disturb you..
Timing In-between times (noon, midnight, dusk, and dawn).
Halloween. Seasons of late fall and winter. Moon in Libra. Eclipses. and dark moon.
Day Wednesday.
Compose an altar: place a censer in the center before and image of the Goddess.
Have a twelve-inch (or so) round mirror there as well. Ring the altar with nine white candles.
Burn a protective incense (such as sandalwood, frankincense, copal or rosemary) in the censer.
Beginning with the candle most directly before the Goddess image, say these or similar words:
Lunar light protect me!
Repeat as you light each candle until all are glowing.
Now, holding the mirror, invoke the Goddess in Her lunar aspect with these or similar words:
Great Goddess of the Lunar Light
and Mistress of the Seas;
Great Goddess of the mystic night
and of the mysteries;
Within this place of candles bright
And with your mirror nigh;
Protect me with your awesome might
While ill vibrations fly!
Standing before the altar, hold the mirror facing the candles so that it reflects their flames.
Keeping the mirror toward the candles, move slowly, clockwise, around the altar, watching
the reflected firelight bouncing off your surroundings.
Gradually increase your speed, mentally invoking the Goddess to protect you.
Move faster and faster; watch the light shattering the air, cleansing it, burning away
all negativity and all lines along which the ill energies have traveled into your home.
Charge your home with the protective light of the Goddess.
Race around the candles until you've felt the atmosphere change, until you feel that
your home has been cleansed and guarded by the Great Goddess.
When finished, stand once again before the image. Thank the Goddess in any words you wish.
Pinch out the candles one by one, bind them together with white chord and store them in
a safe place until (and if) you need to use them again for this same purpose.
Cast a circle on the ground all casters enter. 1-? casters can be used (the more the more powerful).
Hear me knights of past, Knights of the ancient law.
Hear me dead knights of an English tongue.
Hear me knights lost in battle, who's blade did good.
Hear me knights of old, hear me knights of lost souls.
This night I invoke thee . I summon thee to my arms aid.
Hear me knights, a new cause be given.
Your body gone now spirit be.
Hear me Dead Knights I invoke thee.
By your spirit blade I invoke you.
By your might I invoke you.
By your spirit I invoke you.
Come now , follow a new cause, I summon thee.
Each of thee I enlist. I invoke you dead knights lost.
Hear me and come to my aid. Hear me and fight at my side.
Protect me from spirits harm. Fight my battles I say to thee.
Hear me Spirits of lost knights, come to my aid, come to my side.
Protect me from spirits harm. Protect me from spirits light. I invoke you.
I invoke you. I invoke you. I invoke you. I invoke you.
Let my army be done. Let it be. Let it be.
This rite utilizes the powers of the four elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) to cleanse
the store or dwelling. At a time when the business is closed, assemble the main Members
of the group and on a table assemble the following items:
a bowl of seal salt an incense burner or smudge stick a white candle a bowl of holy water
Light the incense and the candle. Stand before the table and open
yourself to the dwelling. Feel its energies. Really tune into any
impressions you receive. After a moment, hold your hands over the
assembled tools and say something like the following (Feel Free To Improvise):
"I Charge you, tools of the elements to sweep my dwelling clean of
all ill and bane. This is my will, so mote it be."
(several other items needed)
a wand a black candle a white candle a crystal (cleansed prior to use)
With the wand say:
"We dedicate these tools to the goddess and god to help us in our work."
Touch the wand to the sea salt, the holy water, the incense or
smudge, the crystal, the lighted white candle, and say:
"We dedicate these tools to the god and goddess and the five
elements. We dedicate them to helping us in our work of healing
meditation, divination and inner growth."
This next part of the ritual is to banish any negative energies around and in the store or dwelling.
The group forms a procession walking counter clockwise through every room in the store or
dwelling, carrying the smudge stick and the lit black candle saying:
"We banish from this place all pain and negativity. We neutralize negative or mischievous
entities from this place. We send you to the goddess and the god, to heal you and take you
where you need to go."
If you have cedar branches available, place one in each room before you leave it.
Now, go outside the dwelling and with your procession again walking counter clockwise,
repeat the verse again still smudging and burning the black candle, walk around the dwelling.
If available place cedar branches in front of doorways.
Now put out the black candle and smudge stick (incense).
You are still outside the dwelling. Turn clockwise in the procession...light a white candle...
and burn sweet smelling incense.
Walk around the dwelling and say:
"We invoke to this place protection, prosperity, peace, healing, wellness, and creativity."
Place a flower or crystal at each corner of the dwelling.
Now the procession re-enters the dwelling, and again walking clockwise
in each room with the white candle and sweet incense repeats the
above verse. If you have a flower or crystal to leave in each room as
you exit, do so. The group forms a circle around the table where you
first began. One person (the one in charge) leads the group. She
takes the dish of salt, and moving clockwise, leads the group
throughout each room saying:
"By the powers of Earth, I cleanse this dwelling."
The group is to follow her and repeat what she says.
Make sure to do all the corners, windows, doorways of each room as
you go. Imagine, seeing the salt burning away negativity as you
sprinkle and toss it. Your purification will be as strong as your visualization.
Next, set the salt down and pick up the censor or incense, carry it
from room to room (The same route you used with the salt...walking following and repeating) Be sure to hold it before
all windows and doors, and in the corners of each room. Visualize the
smoke clearing away all negativity and evil. Say the following:
"By the powers of Air, I cleanse this place."
Once you have walked through the whole dwelling, return the censor or
incense to the table. Take the lit white candle on the same route.
Again, visualize moving clockwise and holding the flame before
windows and doors, seeing it shining forth with magical power,
burning away negativity. As you go say:
"By the powers of Fire, I cleanse this place."
Replace the candle on the tale and take up the bowl of holy water.
Sprinkle the holy water throughout the house, in every corner, and at
exits and entrances. Toss some drops at and through windows. See and
know that the holy water is washing away ills with a tidal wave of
magical power. Say the following:
"By the powers of Water, I cleanse this place."
Set the bowl of holy water on the table. Stand for a few moments and
feel the difference in the dwelling. It should feel calmer, more
peaceful, fresh and clean. If not, repeat the ritual Group again
forms a circle around the table. You will need four candles to
represent the four elements/directions, yellow for East/Air, Red for
the South/Fire, Blue for the West/Water, Green for the North/Earth.
Also, if you wish you may use a white candle to represent the Holy Spirit.
Each member is to say a prayer, asking for the blessings of the
Goddess and God, asking for the qualities they want for the dwelling.
The leader of the group will light each candle as she says: "I call
upon you, powers of the Air, to witness this rite and to guard this
place." (light the yellow candle) "I call upon the Powers of Fire, to
witness this rite and to guard this place." (Light the red candle) "I
call upon the Powers of Water, to witness this rite and to guard this
place." (Light the blue candle) "I call upon the powers of Earth to
witness this rite and guard this place." (light the green candle)
"I call upon the Powers of the Holy Spirit to witness this rite and
to guard this place." (Light the white candle)
Leader says: "Today we dedicate this place to the God and Goddess,
for our protection, safety, peace and creativity. In this ritual we
have banished anything that could be negative and have invited
instead all prosperity and love."
"We have invited Earth, who protects all women, children and the
dwelling. We have invited Fire who protects the dwelling, home and
hearth. We have invited water, who gives abundance. We have invited
Spirit, who is of the deities and the Earth and who protects all peoples."
You may want to add blessings, poems, or chants to be done by members of the group
The following spell may be performed at any time you feel the need for extra protection.
First of all, gather together the following: 1 white candle, implement for inscribing a candle,
protection oil (such as Lotus, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, Sandalwood, or Rose Geranium),
lighter, candle holder, and 4 obsidian arrowheads (obsidian, onyx, or apache tears stones
may be substituted if you do not have the arrowheads).
Also, gather together any ritual items you feel necessary.
Next, cast your circle.. In the center of your circle, facing North, take the obsidian
arrowheads (or stones) into your hand.
Charge them with protective powers and place them around the candle holder,
one in the North, one in the East, one in the South, and one in the West.
Next, take the candle and inscribe a pentagram on it (which is among other
things a symbol for protection), along with your name, or the name of the
person you wish protection for. Now anoint the candle with your oil, while
concentrating strongly on your need for protection. Know that you are divinely
protected, a child of the Goddess and God. See and feel yourself being
completely safe and secure, protected in your home, car, workplace, etc.
Continue to charge your candle and visualize until you feel the candle literally
bursting with energy. Now set the candle in the candle holder and light
it. You may wish to continue the visualization, or use whatever techniques
you wish to send the energy out from you. When you are ready, close the
circle and allow the candle to burn down completely. It is finished. So Mote it Be!!!
--1 black candle Bowl of salt
--Your favorite 'protective' incense, chalice or bowl of water (whichever your preference)
--A picture of the person from whom the energy is coming from
--A mirror (this mirror shouldn't be like a scrying mirror. It should have a reflective surface,
and should only be used for magical purposes and should be magically cleansed before
and after each use to get rid of any magical 'residue' and it's best if it's small and can stand up).
Cast your circle as you normally would (invoking Elements, the Goddess, the God, etc.)
At this point, I would normally cleanse the mirror of anything, physically AND magically.
Next, light the black candle. The picture of the person should be face up in front of you.
Pick up the picture and look at it. Say the person's name three times to get their image
firmly in your mind. Take the picture and run it through the incense smoke, saying:
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Air and the Law of Three!"
Next run it through the flame of the candle (not enough to catch it on fire) and say:
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Fire and the Law of Three!"
Sprinkle water on the picture (only needs to be a little... unless you caught it on fire, LOL):
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Water and the Law of Three!"
Sprinkle a little salt on it:
"What ye send forth comes back to thee,
By Earth and the Law of Three!"
Next, place the picture facing the mirror; the black candle should be behind the mirror,
but still able to cast light upon the picture of the person. Visualize a mirror-like surface
surrounding you, reflecting energies back towards the person.
"What you send at me goes back! Three times light, three times black! What you reap,
so shall you sew! From above and from below! No harm will come, unless you send.
No loss will come, if ye be friend. No harm to me, by mirror's shine, For I reflect, by what is mine!
Earth and Air, Water, Fire, Help reflect, by my desire! I invoke the Law of Three!
This is my Will, and it shall be!"
Allow the candle to burn down, and close the circle as you normally would, allowing
the candle to burn itself out. After the candle has burned itself out, be sure to cleanse
or dispose of the other materials used. For example I would ritually cleanse the mirror,
and burn or bury the picture, depending upon the circumstance.
House Guardians Supplies:
Representations of your guardians for the number of doors in you house.
If you have a garage attached to your house, just use a representation for the door in
your house to your garage unless someone spends a lot of time in the garage, then use
it for the garage door. The representations can be anything you'd like pictures, statues,
some kind of craft, etc. Usually, it is best if you can hang the representation by or across
from the door, but it is not necessary. We have our house guardian statues
(two small gargoyles) sitting on top of a bookcase in the living room.
Putting them near the doors is just for your mind to reaffirm that they are protecting the home,
but if you feel comfortable placing them somewhere else, then do.
A cleansed white candle for each guardian.
A sage smudge stick or other cleansing incense like sandalwood or just sage in its raw form.
Before calling house guardians to guard your home, you should give your home a good cleansing.
Take the smudge stick (be sure you have a bowl to catch the ashes) and begin at the front door.
Light the smudged and say a few words such as:
"As I walk this house May it be cleansed of all negativity"
Start walking around the house clockwise.
Circle the smudge counter clockwise or just in a straight line in front of you towards the walls.
Feel all negative energy flowing out, pushing it through the walls.
When you come to a window, bar it by literally pulling the smudge stick back and forth over the
window like you are tracing bars on it. Say something like:
"I bar this portal from allowing anything to enter"
Ignore inside doors, like doors to bedrooms. Go into all the rooms and bar all windows.
When you come to an outside door, do not bar it.
Draw a circle around the doorframe three times saying something like:
"May no negative energies enter. If a negative person enters,
May they leave their Negativity outside"
If you have stairs, when you come to them, go up and do the other floor (s) then
come back down and finish the lower floor.
You should always end the cleansing right back where you started, at the front door.
When you get back to the door, say a finalizing comment like:
"This house is cleansed. So mote it be"
If you have a storage attic, one you can't climb into very well, bar the entrance to it and just
make sure that anyone who goes up there wears a protection amulet or has their shields up.
Now take your house guardian representations and the candles to the place your family spends
most of its time together. In most families, it is the dining room table, or other place you eat your food.
Set a candle before each representation. Now, spirits are everywhere in every house and you are
simply calling a few who would like to help protect your home. That is why it is important to
cleanse the house first so no unwanted spirits are there. Light the first candle having in mind
which door you want the guardian to protect. Say something like:
"I welcome a spirit of this house to Guard and protect all who dwell here"
Repeat this with the other guardians if you have more than one. When you are done, take a
moment to meditate with them, then take them to their designated positions within the house
and extinguish the candles. These candles are to be used only to call upon the guardians.
You should introduce the family, including all pets to the guardians.
To do this, light their candles and call them, always where you called upon them in the first place.
Then introduce your family one at a time. If you have a spouse who wishes not to participate,
then tell the guardians that s/he does belong in the house and to protect them as well.
You can call the guardians at any time in the above manner. It is also good to meditate with them.
Light the candles, call them, then meditate and you will see and hear them.
It is a good idea to get to know them. On May Day, the Romans would do a ritual for
their house guardians. So on this day, do something extra special for them. If you are
going to have company for more than a few days, tell the guardians. The guardians will
then protect them also. Always leave offerings out for the guardians when you call them,
when you feel they have done something good for you, and on the Sabbats and Esbats.
These offerings can be a small dish of left over food and drink from dinner.
Put it in a place where pets and children cannot reach it. In the morning, you will find the
food there, but the essence of the food, its nutrition and often times its taste, will be gone.
Anytime you are going to do something different in the house, inform the guardians first.
If you are expecting a child, getting a new pet, redecorating, or just having a party,
tell them out of respect so they are not wondering what is going on!
The most important thing to remember about your guardians is that they normally will
stay in the house you called them in. If you move, tell them and tell them their services
will no longer be needed.
Get a piece of white cloth. None of that made-from-plastic junk.
And, thank the Goddess, you don't have to iron it, so make it cotton.
Then cut it into a seven inch square. Yes, seven. Numbers are important to magic.
No cheating! Get some basil, dill, and fennel. There you go again.
What do you mean, you don't have any fennel? Okay, okay, buddy, don't lose it.
You can use a lot of protective herbs in this one.
The important thing is to choose three herbs. Not two. Not four.
It's the number thing again. Use any three of these: basil, dill, fennel, St. John's Wort
(empty one of your "feel good" caplets!), rosemary, tarragon, horehound, vervain.
Mix your herbs in an earthenware bowl. Hum a nice protection tune.
Then again, you don't have to hum, but, hey, why not? Gently mix your herbs up.
You did grab only a little bit of each of three didn't you? You only need a tad.
You are using a bowl that isn't that icky plastic stuff or creepy aluminum, aren't you?
Lay your cloth on the Altar. Take the typewriter off first if you're using a typing table.
These herbs don't necessarily protect your keys from sticking! Put your herbs --
all mixed nicely, thank you very much -- in the center of the cloth.
Take the four corners, pull them up to a nifty peak. Presto! Chango!
Your cloth is now a pouch. Soooo cool. Now comes the witchy part,
where we tie it up with a gorgeous, just like my favorite Maybelline lipstick,
red yarn, cut to seven inches. Tie the first knot and say in a powerful voice,
"I bind thee to protect this house and all within it!"
Tie the second knot and say the same thing...... tie thirteen whole knots in your yarn repeating
the command every time. Pick up your athame (knife, in other words) in your prominent hand
(the one you write with) and grab the sachet (that's the cloth/herb thing, dear) with your other hand.
Now face North and hold the sachet in front and above you and poke it, gently, of course, with
your athame. Say as profoundly certain as you can,
"May this which I have made of my will and with my hands
serve me well as protector of this house and all who reside within its walls.
Guardian and Protector, so shall it be from this moment forth! So mote it be!"
Now go hang your protector/guardian/sachet/cotton cloth bag thing in the highest part of the house.
Use the red yarn to attach it to something.
This is a simple ritual designed to "trap" negative energies before they enter your home.
Similar objects and devices have been used for centuries around the world.
To make it, you will need:
* A small jar that once held spices, perhaps. It should be glass because glass is made from sand.
Thoroughly wash and dry the jar, removing any labels. It must have a close-fitting lid as well.
* Equal quantities of two different colors of sand. Some types include fine grayish-white beach sand;
yellowish coral sand; orangish sand from the desert; red sand from volcanic areas; black
obsidian sand and many others. (Many of these can be bought at plant stores or pet stores.
Also try aquarium sops and builders to find different sand types.
They do not have to be beautiful just of differing types!)
* A spoon. * Two small bowls to hold the sands.
Before you begin, pour one type of sand into the bottle until it's just over half filled.
Empty this sand into one dish. Call it "Sand 1" (for reference.)
Clean the bottle and repeat with "Sand 2," emptying it into its own bowl.
Now you are ready. Hold your protective hand over "Sand 1." Look down at it.
See it humming and writhing with protective, projective energy. Touch the sand.
Visualize it emitting sparks of bright white light that ensnare negativity and draw it inward.
Charge it with personal power. Repeat with "Sand 2". Place the bottle before you.
Scoop out a level spoonful of sand. Pour this into the jar while saying the following words:
"Trap of sand Trap the ill.
Trap the bane and Evil will."
So mote it be, it is done!
You will need a single yellow candle (large if you can find one - preferably unscented beeswax)
for this spell. Begin by standing up with the candle placed on the ground in front of you.
Remove your shoes to accentuate the connection to the earth.
Relax your entire body and feel the energies flow up from the ground,
visualizing a warm yellow light flowing up your body.
With your eyes slightly closed and the mouth relaxed (I tend to rest the
tongue on the roof of my mouth) allow the subtle force of energy to raise your arms.
Visualize the floating waves of yellow energy coaxing your arms up to the point
where your palms are facing each other with roughly two inches between them.
Gently rotate your hands without touching until you feel the build up of a 'ball'
between them. Whilst maintaining the ball, sit down before the candle.
Wait a moment, let the energy cultivate itself.
Now move your hands (visualized as glowing a bright yellow) towards your body,
letting the energy flow into you core at the 'dan tien point' two inches below the navel.
As the energy flows in visualize the protective energy of the sun covering you and
shielding you from all darkness. Think of hope, and as you do so let the energy flow
up to the solar plexus, then down again with every alternate breath - making a cycle.
Now - slowly - open your eyes widely and allow the palms of your hands to touch.
Visualize your self 'borrowing and storing' the protective energy you have raised.
Now light the candle. Let the light become the sun's power before you. Open your energized
hands and place them around the candle flame (being careful not to burn yourself!)
and let them warm. Now come the words. You must choose an appropriate name for your
sun god. Many choose Apollo or Ra - powerful masculine protectors.
I choose the Japanese god of the sun Amaterasu, a woman.
A symbol of motherhood, the sun, protection.
As I place my hands about
I protect the precious light,
So to does Amaterasu
Goddess of the Sun,
I feel her warm protection about me soft and bright.
As the candle's light burns, feel the light inside of you glow too - sense the connection
maintained by the infinite. I advise sitting in this state for up to twenty minutes (or however
long it takes you - everyone is an individual) until you are completely relaxed and comfortable -
shrouded in the sun god's light. When you gain the sensation that you are protected from within,
extinguish the candle and place it on a sunny window ledge.
REVOCATION :To throw back evil or ill that is being done to your home or self.
camphor. blue dye. white votive candles. brown paper. cup. plate. turpentine.
reverse oil, run devil run oil, arassa con todo oil, against my enemies oil. 3 small nails.
cigar & rum. Florida water. rubbing alcohol
(you can get these materials in your local store or your local botanica)
Cast a circle or smoke the area you are going to work in with the cigar-blow the smoke in the
four corners of the room. Fill the cup with luke warm water and add the blue dye-make sure
the water is heavily dark w/the dye. Put the Florida water and the oils, as well as the turpentine
and alcohol- put a little bit of everything and while doing this ask the owner of the roads
- Eleggua - to send back whatever evil or ill that is being done to you.
Blow cigar smoke and rum to the cup-suppose to amplify or electrify what you are doing-and
place the 3 small nails. Write the name of your enemies or who is doing wrong to you on the
brown piece of paper (or a piece of brown paper bag) with a pencil.
Blow cigar smoke and rum on the paper and think of that person or people that are trying to
bring you down and place it on the plate.
Place the camphor cube in the cup and continue to pray to eleggua that he may reverse all ill
that is being done to you. Grab the plate and place it over the cup --with quickness and grip
grab the cup and hold the plate at the same time and turn it over and while doing this picture
all the bad going back to them--the way it looks the cup is upside down on the paper and plate.
Put it near the main doorway of your house or room-preferably where a lot of people enter in.
Put the white votive candle on the cup and spray cigar smoke and rum again and while staring
at the light of the candle picture the bad going back and ask eleegua to send whatever evil back
where it came from. Knock on the floor three times or on your altar and call it a day.
Should be done on the waxing of the moon or when its full. Very strong and highly effective.
1 jar - 1 red cloth cut into the shape of a heart some of your own hair clippings -
some of your own nail clippings - 13 iron nails - 13 black-headed pins - 1 cup of sea salt
The making of the witch's bottle is very simple and should be done as early on in your
practices as you possibly can. Never let another person know that you are making the
bottle, or it's location. Place all of the items on your altar and take a few minutes
to meditate on magical protection, for your safety. Take up your hair and nail clippings
and place them into the jar saying:
"Here do I present myself"
Take up the 13 iron nails and place them into the jar saying:
"Here are my swords of protection"
Take up the salt and place it into the jar saying:
"Here is salt to purify me"
Take up the red heart-shaped cloth. Hold it high and say:
"Here is the heart of any who wish me harm"
Stick all 13 black-headed pins into the cloth heart and say:
"Let any who wish me harm or any who wish me ill,
feel the pain of their own heart's hate, rebounded by this witch's will"
Place the pin-studded heart into the jar. Next fill the jar with your own urine. This sounds
revolting, but urine is a powerful fluid-condenser, and by doing this is symbolic of saying
that you think any spell which is cast against you is a useless and worthless gesture, and
this is the frame of mind you should take while performing this act. When the jar is filled,
or at least halfway so, cork it up with a red tapered candle. Light the candle and as it burns,
it will drip wax to seal the bottle. Take it out and bury it somewhere near your home.
Say the following:
"Blessed Mother of the Darkened Moon, I pray that you grant me this boon. A bottle of
protection do I bury here: to protect me from those both far and near. May any curse or
magic spell placed on me, be dispelled. Rebounded on the sender be, In accordance
with the Law of Three."
Once the bottle is buried, it should never be dug up again. To do so would be to release
all of the negativity that it has absorbed for you. If another person digs up the bottle, it
will not affect them, as it is designed to absorb negativity aimed directly to you.
This energy is tied to you and you alone. It cannot affect another person.
Do not dig up the witch-bottle for any reason. If you move to a new location,
the witch-bottle will continue to work for you. The witch's bottle is buried in the earth
so that the earth may ground the energies of the negativity directed towards you.
One bottle should be all that is needed.
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